On July 2nd, I turned 25 and I’m sooo here for it. I never said that about any other birthday because I didn’t know what “it” was. However, this year is different. I’m on another level…I feel it. And It’s all because a POWERful shift that happened – a divine one. It required me to know God on another level and through Him, I began to know myself like never before . This knowledge and wisdom gave me a higher PERSPECTIVE. I lost confidence in my old ways of thinking and living, but found PEACE in Him.
Because of Divine Power, Peace, and Perspective, I’m growing into who I am.
I am: a unique expression of God, created to be the best. The best – far removed from a competitive mindset. Yet, the best, so divinely connected with becoming the highest version of who I was created to be.
Who I was created to be before July 2nd… before the womb. [Jer. 1:5]
I’m so here for “it” Jesus..and it’s because of your Grace.
[“Five is the number of grace and multiplied by itself, which is 25, is grace upon grace (John 1:16)”]
#Becoming #Grace #Levels #5X5 #GraceUponGrace #YoungSunflower